Changing bond type

If single bond type is selected in the toolbar, clicking on an existing bond will increase the bond type from single to double to triple and back to single bond. Clicking on a stereo bond or dashed bond will change it to a single bond.

If double bond type is selected in the toolbar, clicking on an existing bond will change it to a plain double bond. Clicking on an existing double bond will change the appearence of the double bond from plain to upper bar and lower bar double bond.

If stereo bond type is selected in the toolbar, clicking on an existing bond will change it to stereo bond. Clicking on a stereo bond will change it’s direction.

If special bond type is selected, clicking on an existing bond will change it to the corresponding special bond. More special bonds can be selected in the popover by clicking on the disclosure button

  • If the delocalized bond tool is selected as special bond, clicking on an existing delocalized bond changes its appearance successively (delocalization shown above, below or invisible).
  • If the dative (coordinative) bond tool is selected as special bond, clicking on a bond of this type will change the direction of the arrow tip.

Note: a delocalized bond with invisible delocalization is highlighted with yellow background instead of a red background.

Changing bond attributes like type, line-width, color

bondattributes By right-clicking on a bond or by right-clicking on selected bonds a popover is shown where you can change the attributes of the selected bonds.

If the option “Count bond(s)” is set to “NO”, the selected bonds will not be taken into account for the calculation of free valences or charge.

Justifying bonds

bond_rotation Molecules and Groups can be rotated horizontally or vertically in respect to a bond. Choose the correspondend tool in the toolbar and click on a bond.

Bond types

bond_singleBond single bond
bond_doubleBond double bond centered
bond_doubleBondUp double bond above
 bond_doubleBondDown double bond below
 bond_doubleBondDelocalizedUp delocalized bond above
 bond_doubleBondDelocalizedDown delocalized bond below
 bond_doubleBondDelocalizedInvisible delocalized bond with invisible delocalization
 bond_tripleBond triple bond
 bond_stereo_solid_lr right sided stereo bond above
 bond_stereo_solid_rl left sided stereo bond above
 bond_stereo_dashed_lr right sided stereo bond below
 bond_stereo_dashed_rl left sided stereo bond belown
 bond_single_dashed single dashed bond
 bond_single_wavy wavy bond
 bond_dative_lr right sided dative (coordinative) bond
 bond_dative_rl left sided dative (coordinative) bond


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