
By clicking and dragging on an empty spot and dragging a selection frame is shown. Everything within this frame gets selected.

By holding the shift key more elements can be added or removed to a selction by clicking on elements or click-dragging a second selection frame.

Depending on the selected element small scaling boxes in the corners of the selection or a rotation knob are shown.

Selected objects can be grouped or arranged in different manners from the mainmenu item “arrange”.

If you click or select an object of a group all grouped objects will be selected automatically.


To move selected elements just click somewhere inside the selection frame and drag the selection around.

If a selected atoms or molecules are moved over other atoms, intersecting atoms are highlighted. By releasing the selection the molecules are combined at these intersection points.


If visible, just click on a controlpoint of the selection frame and drag around. The selection gets scaled. By holding the shift key width and height scaling is identical.


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